Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Proud Being Catholic

I'm a Christian Catholic and
I will never change my religion and I'm proud of it.
If there's something I will change in my life maybe my bad attitude and my bad habit. But in faith in God! I'm strong with Him until my life end. I love being Christian, I love to serve God, I Love to make good things to other's, I love to listen someone who spread the life and goodness of God Jesus Christ. I'm devoted Catholic and no one can change my belief. I'm proud those people exist in the darkness and later they found light on their path.
Hanga ako sa mga taong pursigidong magbagong buhay at tuluyan  kinalimutan ang masasamang gawain na kinagisnan. Pero sa kabila ng kanilang pag babago tuluyan din nilang iniwan ang kinagisnan nilang relihiyon. Ang pagiging isang Katoliko. But everyone will deserve to respect their own belief in life. The best thing is, they change thier life and acceptance to their heart  and beleiving that theres a God loving and watching us.

Posted: Lakbay Lansangan

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